ACUHO-I holds strongly to our responsibility, as a mission-driven organization, to exercise influential leadership within the campus housing profession. Understanding that we are stronger when we stand together, we believe that higher education will benefit from ACUHO-I’s influence on public policy and the campus housing profession.
ACUHO-I advocates for the campus housing profession and the individuals who work in it through several avenues. ACUHO-I is an active member of the Student Affairs Consortium on Government Relations along with ACPA, ASCA, NASPA, and NIRSA. The consortium representatives carefully monitor legislative activity and provide reports to partner associations. When necessary, the consortium also serves as the avenue where associations can share information and opinions with lawmakers through position papers, open comment periods, and other avenues. This allows ACUHO-I to be an informational resource, providing updates on developing trends, considerations, policies, and legislation.
ACUHO-I also hosts its Public Policy Advisory Committee. This collection of volunteers, in concert with ACUHO-I staff and leadership, helps facilitate the environmental scanning of issues as well as coordinates ACUHO-I’s response to pertinent legislative action, provides information regarding legislative action, and offers their professional insight into the potential effect of policy changes.
Finally, ACUHO-I demonstrates advocacy leadership by adhering tightly to our ethics and values, as well as modeling the actions and behaviors our members expect. We center our work to foster a diverse, inclusive, and equitable membership. We hold fast to the knowledge that the campus housing community will benefit from expanded opportunities for engagement and connection that transcend race, gender, religion, practice, affinity, geography, career levels, and roles.
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